Tuesday, 6 March 2007

London is a state of mind

Still struggling with a definition of London. Probably there is no need to define it at all. But I can't help myself from doing it. It must be the flu...

So, my idea is that London is only a state of mind. Nothing more than an idea.

I'll try to explain: if you look at the stats you find that London has something like 7.5 millions inhabitants, a few thousands interesting buildings, museums, pubs.
That's way more than what our brain can take and understand in one go. In a smaller city you can get to know a significative proportion of the people who are living there, know how they think, walk through almost all the streets at least once, know where all the important buildings are. This allows you to define the nature of that city as something different from you, as something detached, indipendent.
I found impossible to do the same with London: it's just above my capacity for a definition. Every day I find something different that I didn't know was there, I hear of a new museum, I know someone new, I walk in a new road, my sense of orientation lost. It can be exhilarating and confusing at the same time.
And since I can't give London a definition indipendent from myself, the feelings I have for it change every day, depending on my frame of mind, my thoughts, depending on what happened two hours before, depending on the weather (oh yes.. a lot! :).
It's like a gigantic wizard hat that can satisfy your curiosity if you feel curious or feed your fears if you feel insecure, make you meet new people if you feel like it, protect you from new encounters with the sheer number of the people which pass in front of you every day.
It is just endless exploration, endless possibilities.
It may be that I am the only one feeling this way but it was something that struck me when I first arrived. The more I know London the more I like this city, even though I gave up on the idea of know it (her?) completely.
So is London real? Yes, of course, but in my opinion it is just as real as we are.

ps yeah yeah, I know, it must be the flu.... ;)

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